As of the end of 2022, the number JaamSim downloads totaled 76,146 since the beginning of 2016 when we began to collect statistics. More than 16,000 copies were downloaded during 2022 alone. The following graph shows a steady increase in the annual numbers with only a slight dip during the years of 2019 and 2020. The trend seen during the earlier years has been resumed during the last two years.
Since we issue multiple releases each year, one might wonder if these numbers of downloads represent a smaller number of people making multiple downloads, one for each new release. If this were the case, we would see the average number of downloads per week decrease with the length of time that the release was current, i.e. before the next release was made. This has not been the case. The following graphs shows the number of downloads for the seven releases made during 2022 plotted against the time during which the release was current. Clearly there is no fall-off in the number of downloads per week for the releases that were current for longer periods of time. To illustrate this point, note that approximately 6,000 downloads were made for a single release (2022-06) over a 123 day period and that this rate of downloads was very similar to the rates for four other releases each with a period of 36 - 44 days.
This analysis suggests that most JaamSim users have downloaded a single release and have continued to use it unless they have needed a bug fix or new feature that has become available in a newer release.
In other words, we can conclude that a large fraction of the 76,000 downloads represent new users of JaamSim, and that the number of JaamSim users is increasing rapidly each year.
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